On Wednesday 16 July 2003 06:39 am, Anne Wilson wrote:
> Root is sending me messages that end up in /var/spool/mail/anne.  I
> would like to set up KMail to bring these messages into a new folder,
> but don't know how to set up internal mail accounts.  Is it possible
> without using extra services?  What do I need to do?  What should I
> read?  If I can sort this out I would like to extend to internal mail
> across our mixed lan.

Are these messages that are sent to root and forwarded to you, like 
system notifications?  If so, you could create a folder in kmail and 
filter on the from address ( eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) to sort them into that 

> Anne

Thomas K. Gamble
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Advanced Diagnostics & Instrumentation (C-ADI)
p:505-665-4323 f:505-665-4267

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