On Wednesday 16 Jul 2003 9:00 pm, Bill Mullen wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > On Wednesday 16 Jul 2003 3:49 pm, Anne Wilson wrote:
> > > I would also like to be able to send internal mail to other
> > > users on the lan.  At the moment I have to use their address on
> > > our domain, sending it externally, which seems silly when we
> > > could communicate through a few walls.
> >
> > Well, I found how to set up a local mailbox in kmail, and I set
> > sendmail as the protocol.  Right?  I sent the first message to a
> > windows machine, but another Mandrake machine should be on soon,
> > so I'll send one there too and see what happens.
> >
> > Next question, then.  How do I set up the windows machines to be
> > able to send/receive local mail?
> Well, you don't, exactly ... as you're already aware, Windows
> machines are fairly brain-dead, and you can only do so much with
> them. ;)
> What you /can/ do is to have your Mandrake system handle the local
> mail for everyone on the LAN, and have the Winboxes deal with that
> for the sending and receiving thereof.
> You'll need to set up users on the Mandrake box for each individual
> who will be receiving mail; these users do not need login
> privileges, and can have their default shell set to "/bin/false" to
> prevent this (can be done with Userdrake, as they are created).
> Pseudo-users can also be configured in the /etc/aliases file, so
> that sending a mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will distribute copies to
> several specific users automatically. Remember to always run
> "newaliases", then "postfix reload", after changing the aliases
> file.
> To get the Winboxes to communicate with this setup, you need two
> things on anne-linux: a copy of Postfix that will accept mail from
> other IPs on the LAN, and a POP and/or IMAP server that will let
> those systems retrieve their mail from your system. Postfix you
> already have, for POP/IMAP you install the "imap200*" RPM from the
> CDs.
> The imap RPM installs with POP turned on by default, and the other
> three protocols it offers can be turned on with chkconfig:
> chkconfig imap on
> chkconfig imaps on
> chkconfig pop3s on
> (It offers a fifth protocol, POP2, but you don't need that.)
> After doing this, the xinetd daemon will need to be restarted (it
> handles starting and stopping these services when they are
> required). You'll also need to add a line like the following to
> your /etc/hosts.allow file:
> ALL : 192.168.0.
> This allows access to these services to boxes on the 192.168.0.X
> network.
> You then configure the Winboxes' mail clients by setting up
> accounts that point to anne-linux's IP address for both SMTP
> sending and POP3 (or IMAP) retrieval, with the email addresses of
> "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" (you can use the FQDN for anne-linux if you
> wish, but for this sort of local delivery arrangement it's not
> needed). These accounts on the Windows MUAs are in addition to the
> existing ones, not in place of them, to be clear.
> If I've left anything out, someone will mention it; if you have
> questions (or concerns I haven't addressed), let us know. This is
> quite doable.
> HTH!

Thanks Bill and Pierre.  It's getting late now, but I'll study both of 
these tomorrow and see what I can do.


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