On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 06:24, Thomas K. Gamble wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 July 2003 01:11 pm, Lyvim Xaphir wrote:
> >
> > But you can chill those puppies and you might be able to get
> > stability under high load with no problem.  What I would do is
> > install two Vantec Areoflow heat sink fans (they have copper cores,
> > surrounded by a block of machined aluminum) after cleaning the chip
> > surfaces carefully with a q-tip soaked in odorless mineral spirits to
> > get rid of the old thermal compound.  Same for the HSF.
> >
> > Get some Arctic Silver 3 thermal compound (the best thermal
> > resistance rating you can get) and use that to install your Areoflows
> > (model number VA4-C7040).  Arctic Silver 3 is pretty much the best
> > thermal compound around and as a result of it's superior thermal
> > resistance it can get your core down by as much as 7C.
> >
> > The Areoflows have bearingless fans which are some of the quietest in
> > the industry, and ultimately reliable because they are, well,
> > bearingless.  It is possible to get a better thermal resistance with
> > another HSF, but not without going to a bearing based fan, and the
> > HSF's that outperform the Areoflow don't do it by a significant
> > margin and plus they weigh a ton cause usually they are solid copper.
> >  That can possibly put a physical strain on the mobo if it's in a
> > tower case.
> I've actually ordered a couple of these to try them out although I don't 
> know how much of an improvement they'll be over the Thermaltake 
> Volcanos I have installed.  Given that the computers are in safes, 
> noise is not an issue, at least as far as the computers are concerned.  
> Now the safes are a different story.  I have three safes and each has 
> two 10 inch exhaust fans.  The background noise level in the room is 
> about 62db.  Annoying but I'm told it's not a hazard.


   Not a hazard due to db level, but it can affect your hearing in that
the the air in the room pulses rhythmically.  If you are an old fart
like myself this can be more damaging than when you were 21 because your
eardrums are "stiffer" than before.  For short times of exposure you are
ok, but if you are going to spend a large amount of time in rooms like
this I'd highly recommend the foam earplugs, or equivalent.   Those
aren't phones you're hearing. *grin*


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