On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 00:04, Wolfgang Bornath wrote:
> James Sparenberg schrieb am Thu, 18 Sep 2003 19:23:03 -0700:
> [lesson on sales figures]
> >  Now yes the sales numbers are small (they better be)  One Fry's near
> > me does 300 RH boxes a month on average (insider knowledge here.)  or
> > 3600 a year.  They aren't the top store either.  Times the 20 stores
> > they have, that's 72000 boxes a year.  So a Walmart would order a lot
> > more boxes than 10000.  
> > 
> > just some food for thought. ( I spent toooooooo much time in logistics
> > the last 20 years.  *sigh*) 
> So this would mean, Mandrake stopped this line of sales just because
> they could not afford to produce this many boxes. Right?
> wobo


   Now this is the single most reasonable explanation I've heard.  Since
the normal course of action in Software is to take a PO(Purchase Order)
to the bank and get a short term loan to cover the cost of manf.  In
hardware Companies are willing to do 25 25 50 (25% upfront, 25% When
ready to begin shipping,or at a scheduled point, 50% upon reciept of
product, due within 90 days.)  I guess at this point it's a matter of
finding out what the limitations are in terms of production run and
where it would be most affective to place the product.  
  Perhaps doing an Amazon.  Where MDK becomes a fulfillment house for
hundreds (or 10's) of websites around the net that can then sell/promote
the product for MDK, with the site getting a "cut" of the action.  Sites
like pclinuxonline.com come to mind as naturals for this.  Best product
for this would perhaps be the 7CD w/o book set and the 2 DVD w/o book
set. Since it is less expensive to manufacture and package.
   I'm not sure what the logistics are here (or software needs.)or if
it's practical.  My only real interest is a selfish one.  I want to be
able to use urpmi + Mandrake.  But I'm tired of handing out free
copies.  I want to be able to tell people again, "Go buy the CD's and
when you get them I'll help you get started."  My first copy of MDK came
with a mag called Maximum Linux (it was 6.2 or 6.1) and I've been buying
in one form or another every one since then.  


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