--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "george_deforest" 
> > bob_brigante wrote:
> >
> > I haven't quite figured this out -- are they saying 
> > you have to sell $50K a month of AV products? 
> > If so, only a few big city placements will do this well, I think.
> this could work, if MAPI products became popular ... but only if
> there is a -very strong- and -constant- TV advertising campaign
> that actually *inspires* the average consumer. (like Apple iPod ads,
> for example.)
> > The winning point of the program is that every participating shop 
> > will be provided about $50,000 worth of Maharishi Ayurveda 
> > (retail cost) every month and in addition about $10,000 will be 
> > per shop in national and state-wide publicity, 
> my guess is, this is by far not a big enough advertising budget
> for the kind of sucess they are dreaming of.

My guess is that it will work about as well as that $4,000 a month 
guaranteed salary to the newly certified teachers worked.

How many months did they pay the $4,000 a month to those teachers?

If someone has a million dollars at their disposal and they're 
seriously considering doing this, why don't they just write a check 
for a million dollars directly to Maharishi's nephew.  That way they 
cut out all the bullshit of having to go through setting up a 
business that every 5-year-old knows isn't going to work anyway.  At 
least this way they'll get a tax write-off for a donation...


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