On Nov 10, 2007, at 10:24 AM, authfriend wrote:

Nope, wrong, Sal. Read what he wrote again: "The
ORIGINAL GUIDELINE was put in place to curb flagrant
overposters" (my emphasis). The original posting
limit was *not* put in place to curb Jim; he was
*not* considered one of the "flagrant overposters"

Um, Judy, there was no overposting, "pre-guideline," by definition. In order to overpost, there has to be some known boundary one's crossed.

And even if he were to make 50 posts
per week now, he still wouldn't be a "flagrant
overposter" in the sense the 35-post limit was
designed to curb.

Of course not--he's special.

With the exception of Rick, those who busy themselves
with counting other people's posts and announcing when
when they've reached their limit are just being
intentionally obnoxious, throwing their weight around
and using the limit to put down and shut up people
they don't like.

Physician, heal thyself.

Rick, or an appointed deputy, ought to be the only
person to keep track of posts and issue warnings. If
he isn't doing it to the satisfaction of the obsessive
counters of other people's posts, they can complain to
him privately. Otherwise, tough beans.

I'll speak to Rick privately about his deputizing program. :)

  And giving
the impression you would gladly do it every week because
you're just that special.

No, this is Barry-dittohead bullshit. Some of us just
realize what the original point of the limit was. (Well,
maybe that does make us "special," come to think of it,
or at least a bit more savvy than the obsessives.)
*Nobody* needs to be compulsive about keeping exactly
to the 35-post limit, IMHO. (And in Jim's HO too, I'll

Oh, and by the way, this was *not* a request
by Jim for somebody else to count his posts:

"FYI-- I just verified that the Yahoo advanced search isn't very
accurate-- I hand-counted my posts from the beginning of Sept.8th
until now and the total is 39, not including this one. However, if I
use the Yahoo advanced search, I get a total of 34, not including
this one.

"So hand counts seem to be the only way to be accurate, for those
not receiving emails on FFL. Or whoever keeps tallies can please
send an email to Rick. In any case, see you next week.:-)"

This was an amused little dig at the obsessive

Yes, Jim's bright and cheery sense of humor, along with his ability to laugh at his own foibles, comes shining through with every post.


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