This is not published in a peer-reviewed respected scientific journal 
and no one in their right mind would give it credence until it is. 
That would be like Vaj claiming research that is not published under 
peer-review in a respected scientific journal is somehow comparable 
to that which is. It would be foolish. It doesn't mean the data is 
wrong or not interesting, it just means that it is not validated in a 
scientific way, and therefore is no more than opinion at this point ( 
a bit like Rick's rumors ), and is not something that can be used as 
a measuring stick.

So thank for re-iterating my point.
Only research published in respected peer-reviewed scientific 
journals is valid in the 21st cenutry (like the 200+ published on TM 
so far -- and rising)


OffWorld--- In, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> front page of Fairfield Ledger,
> If it is published then it makes it true.  
> Dec 11th Edition of the Ledger:
> "Positive trends fulfill predictions for group meditation study.  
> "The results are in…
> "From the first-ever scientific demonstration project to document 
> long-term positive effects of large group meditations on national 
> trends."
> "According to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, exec director of 
> the International Center for Invincible Defense and the project's 
> science director…" 
> "After a two-year surge, violent crime is down suddenly…"
> "After decades of unremitting escalation, nuclear tensions between 
> the US and North Korea are ending swiftly and peacefully…"
> "violence is down 60% in Iraq…"
> "Wall Street is on pace for its second most profitable year ever…"
> ""It is possible that any one or two of these positive trend, 
> unforeseen by experts even six months ago, could have occurred on 
> their own.  But the fact that all this good news is coming now – 
> exactly as we predicted 500 days ago- is well beyond chance.  It is 
> the direct result of the coherence created by the Invincible 
> Assembly," Hagelin said.
> "Extensive published research shows that coherence and positivity 
> created in collective consciousness when a small number of people 
> practice the Transcendental Meditation and more advanced Yogic 
> techniques together in a group-"  
> "The decrease is the direct and publicly predicted result of the 
> increased coherence in national consciousness created by the large 
> group of 1700 advanced Transcendental Meditation Program experts in 
> Iowa," Hagelin said, "The non-linear partial differential equations 
> governing the weather satisfy the characteristics of chaos theory.  
> As a consequence, weather patterns are sensitive to infinitesimal 
> fluctuations – a phenomenon popularly known as the – Butterfly 
> Effect.  This means that even minute changes in people's behavior 
> precipitate or prevent a hurricane.  "
> The Invincible America Assembly is raising the quality of 
> consciousness and behavior throughout society to be more 
> more life supporting.  And Nature is responding more positively."
> End of story

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