Since there has been some discussion about research on TM, I'm posting
this recent press release from the University of Kentucky. It would be
hard for even the most biased observer (and we have many on this
board) not to recognize the value of this. The fact is, uncomfortable
though it may be for some, that TM works. 


Transcendental Meditation More Effective in Reducing High Blood Pressure
Compared to Other Stress Reduction Programs, Study Shows

LEXINGTON, Ky. (Dec. 4, 2007) - People with high blood pressure may
find relief from Transcendental Meditation, according to a definitive
new meta-analysis of 107 published studies on stress reduction
programs and high blood pressure, which will be published in the
December issue of Current Hypertension Reports.

The Transcendental Meditation technique produces a statistically
significant reduction in high blood pressure that is not found with
other forms of relaxation, meditation, biofeedback or stress management.

The new meta-analysis reviewed randomized, controlled trials of all
stress reduction and relaxation methods in participants with high
blood pressure that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific

Blood pressure changes for the Transcendental Meditation technique
included average reductions of 5.0 points on systolic blood pressure
and 2.8 on diastolic blood pressure, which were statistically
significant, according to the review. The other stress reduction
programs did not show significant changes in blood pressure.

Blood pressure changes associated with Transcendental Meditation
practice were consistent with other controlled studies showing
reductions in cardiovascular risk factors, improved markers of heart
disease, and reduced mortality rates among participants in the
Transcendental Meditation program.

The new meta-analysis was conducted by researchers at the
<>University of Kentucky College of
Medicine and at the NIH-funded Institute of Natural Medicine and
Prevention at Maharishi University of Management.

According to Dr. James Anderson, professor of medicine at the
University of Kentucky and co-author of the new meta-analysis, the
findings of the new review  rebut a July 2007 report sponsored by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the
<>NIH-National Center for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine, which concluded that most research on meditation
is low quality and found little evidence that any specific stress
reduction effectively lowers blood pressure. The new meta-analysis
identified all high quality meditation studies published through 2006
and rigorously analyzed their effects, which the previous government
report failed to do.   

Anderson said the new meta-analysis includes only high quality studies
on all available stress reduction interventions. The studies on
Transcendental Meditation were conducted at five independent
universities and medical institutions, and the majority of them were
funded by competitivegrants from the <>National
Institutes of Health.

"The magnitude of the changes in blood pressure with the
Transcendental Meditation technique are at least as great as the
changes found with major changes in diet or exercise that doctors
often recommend," Anderson said. "Yet the Transcendental Meditation
technique does not require changes in lifestyle. Thus many patients
with mild hypertension or prehypertension may be able to avoid the
need to take blood pressure medications—all of which have adverse side
effects. Individuals with more severe forms of hypertension may be
able to reduce the number or dosages of their BP medications under the
guidance of their doctor."

Anderson added that long-term changes in blood pressure of this
magnitude are associated with at least a 15 percent reduction in rates
of heart attack and stroke. "This is important to everyone because
cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S.
and worldwide," Anderson said.

The study's biostatistician, Maxwell Rainforth, assistant professor of
Physiology and Health Statistics at Maharishi University of
Management, said the meta-analysis used state-of-the-art statistical
methods to review 107 published studies in the field of stress
reduction, relaxation and blood pressure. "The twenty-three separate
studies included in the final analysis met well-known criteria for
high scientific quality. That is, these studies used repeated blood
pressure measurements and participants were randomized to either a
stress reduction technique or placebo-type control for at least eight
weeks.  The data we used are all published in peer-reviewed scientific
journals," Rainforth said. 

According to Dr. Robert Schneider, director of the
<>Institute of Natural Medicine and Prevention
and co-author, this rigorously conducted meta-analysis indicates that
the Transcendental Meditation program is distinctively effective
compared to other scientifically studied techniques in lowering high
blood pressure.

"For those 100 million Americans with elevated blood pressure, here is
a scientifically documented, yet simple and easy way to lower blood
pressure without drugs and harmful side effects. In addition, related
studies show an integrated set of positive `side benefits,' such as
reduced stress, reduced heart disease levels and longer lifespan with
this technique to restore balance in the cardiovascular system, mind
and body,"  Schneider said.


In striving to become a Top 20 public research institution, the
University of Kentucky is a catalyst for a new Commonwealth – a
Kentucky that is healthier, better educated, and positioned to compete
in a global and changing economy. For more information about UK's
efforts to become a Top 20 university, please go to
--- In, off_world_beings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This is not published in a peer-reviewed respected scientific journal 
> and no one in their right mind would give it credence until it is. 
> That would be like Vaj claiming research that is not published under 
> peer-review in a respected scientific journal is somehow comparable 
> to that which is. It would be foolish. It doesn't mean the data is 
> wrong or not interesting, it just means that it is not validated in a 
> scientific way, and therefore is no more than opinion at this point ( 
> a bit like Rick's rumors ), and is not something that can be used as 
> a measuring stick.
> So thank for re-iterating my point.
> Only research published in respected peer-reviewed scientific 
> journals is valid in the 21st cenutry (like the 200+ published on TM 
> so far -- and rising)
> OffWorld
> OffWorld--- In, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > front page of Fairfield Ledger,
> > 
> > If it is published then it makes it true.  
> > 
> > 
> > Dec 11th Edition of the Ledger:
> > 
> > "Positive trends fulfill predictions for group meditation study.  
> > 
> > "The results are in…
> > "From the first-ever scientific demonstration project to document 
> the 
> > long-term positive effects of large group meditations on national 
> > trends."
> > 
> > "According to quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin, exec director of 
> > the International Center for Invincible Defense and the project's 
> > science director…" 
> > 
> > "After a two-year surge, violent crime is down suddenly…"
> > 
> > "After decades of unremitting escalation, nuclear tensions between 
> > the US and North Korea are ending swiftly and peacefully…"
> > 
> > "violence is down 60% in Iraq…"
> > 
> > "Wall Street is on pace for its second most profitable year ever…"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ""It is possible that any one or two of these positive trend, 
> > unforeseen by experts even six months ago, could have occurred on 
> > their own.  But the fact that all this good news is coming now – 
> > exactly as we predicted 500 days ago- is well beyond chance.  It is 
> > the direct result of the coherence created by the Invincible 
> America 
> > Assembly," Hagelin said.
> > 
> > "Extensive published research shows that coherence and positivity 
> is 
> > created in collective consciousness when a small number of people 
> > practice the Transcendental Meditation and more advanced Yogic 
> Flying 
> > techniques together in a group-"  
> > 
> > "The decrease is the direct and publicly predicted result of the 
> > increased coherence in national consciousness created by the large 
> > group of 1700 advanced Transcendental Meditation Program experts in 
> > Iowa," Hagelin said, "The non-linear partial differential equations 
> > governing the weather satisfy the characteristics of chaos theory.  
> > As a consequence, weather patterns are sensitive to infinitesimal 
> > fluctuations – a phenomenon popularly known as the – Butterfly 
> > Effect.  This means that even minute changes in people's behavior 
> can 
> > precipitate or prevent a hurricane.  "
> > 
> > The Invincible America Assembly is raising the quality of 
> collective 
> > consciousness and behavior throughout society to be more 
> harmonious, 
> > more life supporting.  And Nature is responding more positively."
> > 
> > End of story
> >

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