I wonder how many reading FFL can relate experientially to what Guy 
Banner had to say about celibacy?

I personally never had such an amazing experience with Maharishi as 
Guy described. But I did discover after spending some months on TTC 
with Maharishi many years ago, that the same change in physiology 
that Guy described had happened to me (urdhavaretas - energy 
naturally going up).

So I think Vaj's skepticism is misplaced. Maharishi really is 
capable of producing this effect on his students, whether it is in 
the space of 30 seconds of direct attention, or several months of 
darshan and meditation as taught by him. (Side note: some weeks 
back, Vaj posted some lengthy quotes about practices to promote 
energy going up. I don't remember the details other than frequent 
reference to the "secret chakra". I can't say whether these 
practices are worthwhile or not. But they, as well as Mantak Chia 
(Taoist) type practices brought up by LBShriver in the past, strike 
me as a remarkable amount of effort to achieve something that 
happened to me without my even intending it - side/side note to Vaj -
 get that Vaj - no effort was involved, not even intention!)

I also am married. My wife and I experience a good deal of affection 
for one another. A marriage can be celibate and be a happy marriage, 
as long as it is not a strain or an ideal that is strived for or 
something like that. It needs to be a simple reflection of the 
reality of two human physiologies, and both partners need to be 
comfortable with the arrangement.

Guy was absolutely correct when he stated that celibacy is not a 
practice but a state of physiology. In that state, there is nothing 
to practice. And there is no feeling of lack. Pleasure and bliss 
come in many forms. The experience of sexual orgasm is only one of 
them. TurquoiseB's comments along the lines of "at least the rest of 
us are getting laid but you're not" really just reflect on the range 
of experiences that TurquoiseB has had, so he is being true to 
himself in saying these kinds of things. But they really fall short 
of the mark when commenting on Guy's experiences.

I am guessing that Alex Stanley's remarks reflect on what is 
currently going on for him in his own spiritual path - that is, 
discovering that the ulimate truth doesn't depend on flashy 
experiences, is itself ultimately simple. But I hope that doesn't 
blind him from accepting the possibility that another person's 
celibacy is a natural state for him. Saniel Bonder's Waking Down 
philosophy and practice may have a handle on some significant 
truths, but there may be more things in Heaven and Earth than are 
dreamt of in his philosophy. It's a good idea to keep an open mind.

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