Thanks, Vaj, but we're all just members of the lucky sperm & egg club, 
born more or less into affluence and engendered with the desire, for 
some reason or another, to explore consciousness.  

My parents' history was so unique (and improbable) that for years I 
never shared it because I wanted to 'write' a story for myself that, at 
the very least, didn't diminish their own by association.  

Within a week after that taping (February '07) my mother fell and broke 
her hip while out walking her two greyhounds.  By April she was back 
out, on a cane, and by June was out walking them again everyday for a 
couple of miles.  My father does about a half-an-hour every other day 
on the stationary bike in the basement.  I can't say the alcohol 
helped, but it certainly doesn't seem to have hurt them too much.  

For me, alcohol has never been a draw, though I can appreciate a good  
wine or beer in the proper context.



--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 29, 2008, at 1:58 PM, Marek Reavis wrote:
> > here's another story I think you might enjoy told last year
> > to a local Saint Louis PBS station in Saint Louis, accompanied with
> > some inexpensive red wine.
> >
> >
> I always knew there was something special about you! What a 
> story and history....thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!

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