--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > FWIW, a former boyfriend of mine who was a TMer
> > would have profound witnessing experiences if he so
> > much as drank a glass of beer. That's never
> > happened to me!
> This (profound witnessing after having a drink
> or two) is far from uncommon. It is *all over* 
> the literature of Tibet and India and Japan,
> an integral part of many of the stories about
> enlightened teachers there.

Yeah, except what we're talking about is how
alcohol affects folks who *aren't* yet enlightened.

> > Very different with pot, again in my experience
> > (many years ago).
> But there again, look into it and you will find
> whole spiritual traditions in India that smoke 
> hashish as a sacrament, and in *huge* quantities. 
> Different strokes for different folks.

Or maybe different qualities of THC...

In any case, the practice of these traditions
would seem to confirm what *I* said, that pot
*does* affect one's meditation. (Unless these
groups don't meditate, of course.)

What we're debating here is whether psychoactive
substances such as alcohol and pot interfere with
one's progress toward enlightenment. So far,
nothing that anyone has said constitutes actual
evidence one way or the other.

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