> <snip>
> > > What we're debating here is whether psychoactive
> > > substances such as alcohol and pot interfere with
> > > one's progress toward enlightenment. 
> > 
> > And again, you are assuming the "unenlightened" 
> > model, which believes that "progress" *has* to be "made"
> > "towards" enlightenment. If you shift to another 
> > equally accurate model and description of the process -- 
> > that everyone is always already enlightened and that the
> > *only* thing that marks "enlightenment" is a realization
> > of what has always already been going on -- then there
> > is no "progress" possible.
> Except progress toward realization of what has
> always already been going on.
> See, the reason it's a throwaway neo-Advaita
> one-liner is that the distinction is still there,
> only now it's called "not realizing vs. realizing
> what has always already been going on" instead of
> "unenlightened vs. enlightened."
> In other words:
> unenlightened = not realizing what has always
>  already been going on
> enlightened = realizing what has always
>  already been going on
> It's the same distinction. So all I have to do
> is change my wording:
> What we're debating here is whether psychoactive
> substances such as alcohol and pot interfere with
> one's progress toward realizing what has always
> already been going on.
> The only difference is that my original wording
> uses fewer words; the meaning is identical.

and because 'realizing' is the essential criteria
and because 'not realizing' is devoid of meaning
and "what has always already been going on" is not an object
Libations: sometimes one has to stumble, to stumble onto something.

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