--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My bet is that life will continue to operate in the
> same mysterious way it has operated for eternity,


Your reply is way too talky to bother with, but as far as the notion 
that the universe is too mysterious to understand, that is just the 
inevitable anthem of ignorance of limited awareness (like the child's 
awe at the workings of a watch). The cure for this is, of course, 
expanded awareness, which in its infinite value of sat chit ananda, 
illuminates everything and doesn't leave any room for mystery. 

When I was a kid, I used to ride the roller coaster at Santa Monica's 
Pacific Ocean Park all day long (the ride was not as stressful as 
today's well-engineered roller coasters), but when I grew up, I found 
other ways to spend my time since the thrill had gone out of 
rollering. But nature, trying to speed up the process of getting 
people out of ignorant ways of life, always encourages people not to 
remain in the misery of the round of rebirths that ignorance makes 
necessary, and it does that by making people suffer. When people 
suffer enough, they become receptive to wisdom, and they eventually 
get on the path of expanding their awareness so that they can live 
their real nature of sat chit ananda.

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