Judy wrote:
> "McCain is an inveterate devotee of email...
> The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW 
> make it painful for McCain to type..." 
So, shame on Obama and his mindless minions
for making fun of a POW disabled veteran.

This, along with everything else Obama did, 
like giving Hillary the finger, calling Sarah
a pig, being friends with Ayers, Pfleger, and 
Wright and Farrakan, makes Obama look like a 
real dumb-ass. 

And to think, some of the FFL informants think 
Sarah Palin was a flop on ABC with Charlie 
Gibson! And here we've got Sal and Curtis 
actually trying to defend Obama's big gaff.

Go figure.

It is one thing to make fun of the disabled, 
but does Obama have to be a liar? From what 
I've read, McCain knows all about email, the 
internet and telecommunications. 

What in the hell was the Obama campaign doing
when they did this? It's just totally 
outrageous! Is this a bad dream?

Barak Obama should be compelled to march down
to the nearest VFW hall a make a televised
apology to John McCain and every disable vet.

> > http://tinyurl.com/43tnrb 
> >

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