One of the many problems with raunchydog's comment,"Welcome comrades
to Obomba's Ameri-KKK" is that it does not make any sense. How can
Obama, a black man, be a leftist, bomb-throwing terrorist and at the
same time be associated with the KKK? Poor raunchydog seems to be very
confused. Perhaps one day she'll realize that her beloved Hillary was
a very poor candidate who didn't deserve to win. Hillary is like a
woman who entered a 10K road race, was given a 5K start, and still
managed to lose the race. Quite an achievement. 

--- In, TurquoiseB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> > >
> > > Yikes! Just as I suspected. You hate America too. Figures.
> > 
> > You are entering the intellectual territory of George Bush, 
> > same level of simplistic thinking.  For us or against us.  
> *Everyone* is against her. Haven't you figured
> that out yet?
> > > Welcome comrades to Obomba's Ameri-KKK.> 
> > 
> > This is very offensive. I'm gunna take a wild guess that you 
> > don't hang out with black people?  
> I'd go so far as to suggest that she doesn't 
> hang out with people *at all*. Who could 
> stand to be around her? My bet is that Rick 
> invited her here out of pity. 
> > If you did you would never make such an
> > obnoxious comment.
> Curtis, you are talking about the person who 
> accuses Obama of being a terrorist in one breath,
> and is as startling an example of misandry and
> racial bigotry as we have ever seen on this 
> forum or any other, who then, in the next breath,
> claims that reporters are misogynistic for asking
> Sarah Palin to describe her qualifications for
> the second-highest position in the land.
> You are talking about a homosexual who thinks
> that a good *insult* is to call someone else
> a homosexual.
> You are talking about someone who is so far over
> the edge into insanity that it boggles the mind. 
> KKK? This woman is so much crazier than KKK 
> members that it's scary.

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