> > Swami Lachsmanjoo was a great friend of the
> > Marshy's, as the photo cited proves beyond a
> > doubt. Jerry Jarvis said about this photo that
> > the Swami was ecstatic when the TTC course
> > visited  his ashram.
> >
> http://www.rwilliams.us/archives/images/lakman01.jpg
boo wrote:
> There's also a photo of MMY holding hands with
> muktinanda, who's been proven to have been molesting 
> underage girls in his ashram, which according to 
> willy's political logic means MMY was palling around 
> with pedophiles and was probably one himself and by 
> association so was laksmanjoo, so I don't get why 
> willy is so keen on this pervert?
Ad hominem is the second to last resort of someone who 
is losing a debate and is unable to respond with 

> > They all meditated together for hours, each using
> > their very own bija mantra given to them by the
> > Marshy. Now that's Trika!
> >
> According to thousands of posts by willy, MMY did 
> not give but sold mantras to fools willing to fall 
> for his lies about getting enlightened in 5 yrs, so 
> all of these people at this mediation were fools, 
> which means Trika is for fools.
Maybe so, so how much did you pay? There's nothing
wrong with being a fool and paying for instruction -
but only a rascal would try to trash the Marshy for
setting up a yoga camp - get a grip, boo!

> > According to John Hughes, (TTC Rishikesh-Kashmere
> > 1968), the Lachsman practiced a meditation that
> > was just like TM and he was checked by the Marshy
> > himself.
> >
> Glad to see willy believes everything that TM leaders 
> say.
The Swami Lachsmanjoo wasn't a 'TM leader', but from
what I've read, he was a very informed teacher, and the 
last in a line of very illustrious teachers of the 
Kashmere Shivaism. Everyone knows that the primary yoga
technique in Kashmere Shivaism is a meditation on the
Transcedental Person utilizaing a mnemonic device
called in Sanskrit a 'bija mantra' - this isn't new 

> > In fact, according to John Hughe's son, Vivek, the
> > designated successor to Swami Lachsmanjoo, the
> > Swami often refered to the Marshy as his 'meditation
> > teacher.' The Swami reccomended meditation to all
> > his students.
> >
> He also believes everything children of TM teachers say 
> - I guess because of his belief that genes are 
> everything.
Vivek is the designated successor to the Swami - Vivek
was with the Swami since the time that Vivek recieved
his walking mantra from the Marshy in 1968, forty years
ago. According to my sources, all the students of the
Swami Lachsmanjoo were transcendental meditators.

> > These are the facts.
> >
> > As for the Trika doctrine, it's very similar to
> > Shankara's Vedanta, which is a form of the Vasubandhu
> > 'Consciousness Only' school. All similar. They were
> > ALL transcendentaly meditating. All the Upanshadic
> > sages were transcendentalists. There's only One
> > Transcendental.
> >
> That must explain why all religions and spiritual 
> traditions get along and respect each other so much - 
> like in those famous TTC tapes in which MMY criticizes 
> every other form of meditation or spiritual tradition 
> that he is asked about.
They all forgot how to transcend - even the Swami Lachsman
had to be instructed in the meditation technique. Lots
of learned people know all about the transcendental
*doctrine*, but lots of people forgot how to actually
transcend - that's the ticket, to 'go beyond' discursive


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