"Richard M"  wrote:
> So Edg, are you in favour of nuclear power? And are you attracted to
> conspiracy theories? I say this because the nuclear power lobby is
> benefiting enormously from the demonization of CO2. Are the Greenies
> just pawns in a game being played by the Higher Powers to persuade the
> electorate to accept more nuclear power? (What are they called - the
> New World Order or something?)


It is my understanding that the Queen of England and her bank are
owners of virtually all the uranium of Canada, and that she's behind
the anti-C02 movement.  I'll give it a 9 out of 10 possibility of
being true.  That proved, then ya gots some sort of Illuminati
thingie, eh?

I'm against nuke-power until its pollution is zero -- not merely
contained by storage systems that must eventually fail.  The Greens
probably are being used.  Not sure if Gore is mindful or being used. 
I'm thinking Gore has a nice gig and thought for awhile it would serve
to keep his hat in the presidential ring. Dunno fer shur. 

I'm most in favor of hydrogen, but getting the cost down will only
happen if a cheap way to get it out of water is discovered.  I'm not
seeing it being around the corner, but there's lots of promising
efforts out there that might "go commercial" any second.

Other energy technologies are also emerging -- nano stuff could give
us a singularity and then, wow, what a paradigm shift -- out goes
every notion of all the big thinkers of the world about almost
everything if nanotech gives us programable microscopic bots that can
form clouds.  Other singularities can do this too, so I'm just doing
my pranyama until 2012....heh heh, then, we'll see, eh?


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