On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:01 PM, shempmcgurk <shempmcg...@netscape.net>wrote:

> >
> > Poor old Obama. He's inherited such a terrible mess. And in the
> > context of *climate change*, just at the point where the fictional
> > "consensus" shows all the signs of unravelling, he is under the
> > spotlight to make good on his promises.
> Wow.
> Thanks for posting the link.
> This is truly Age of Enlightenment stuff.  We may actually be turning
> a corner on all this fear-mongering and ignorance.
> And, of course, it's more than fear-mongering and ignorance; it is
> stuff that is actually killing innocents and poor people of the Third
> World...and the more the global warming people influence public
> policy the more damage will be done to the weakest elements of
> society.

I'm a bit lost in the embedded postings here.  I apologize if I attribute

Heed well the words of Richard M.  Obama is stuck with having campaigned to
fix a problem that is become clear we don't have.  Yes, it's true that we
have to do something about our energy independence, and that's a good thing
for Obama to work on, though I still can't see having companies switch to
solar cell production is going to bring back the well paid and well
benefitted manufacturing class.  But I don't recall Obama campaigned so much
on energy independence as the CO2 non-problem.  So now he's got this immense
alleged mandate and we're not sure he still has the problem.  Ouch!

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