--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2009, at 12:43 AM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
> > oh i see, since there is nothing but hearsay
> > regarding the possibility of Maharishi's sexual
> > escapades, you are more comfortable believing
> > the "he fucked around" rumors, instead of
> > believing the "he didn't fuck around" rumors?
> >
> > did i get that right? gotta wonder about the
> > bias, don't you-- or does that just not matter,
> > trumped by character assassination?
> It's not considered "hearsay" when it's already
> been published in newspapers Dawn.

Uh, yes, it certainly can be, unless you're claiming
newspapers never publish rumors, which would be pretty
hard to support.

 I'd say it's now "no longer hearsay" that old Mahesh  
> was not a "life long renunciate", but instead, a
> lifelong liar and loved the ladies.
> For clarities sake, let's look at all the assumed
> alias's of Mahesh Varma and see which ones ring true:

For "clarities" sake, it should be noted that even if
your claims about his name were true, it would have
nothing to do with whether he fooled around.

It wouldn't surprise me if he had, but let's use just
a little common sense here.

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