On Feb 1, 2009, at 12:43 AM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

oh i see, since there is nothing but hearsay regarding the
possibility of Maharishi's sexual escapades, you are more
comfortable believing the "he fucked around" rumors, instead of
believing the "he didn't fuck around" rumors?

did i get that right? gotta wonder about the bias, don't you-- or
does that just not matter, trumped by character assassination?

It's not considered "hearsay" when it's already been published in newspapers Dawn. I'd say it's now "no longer hearsay" that old Mahesh was not a "life long renunciate", but instead, a lifelong liar and loved the ladies.

For clarities sake, let's look at all the assumed alias's of Mahesh Varma and see which ones ring true:

"His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi"

His Holiness: Joyce Collin Smith put an end to this one. He just decided one day himself "His Holiness" and began ordering stationary with "H.H." on it! Detailed in her excellent "Call No Man Master".

Maharishi: another assumed name. He claimed it was because people were calling him that at early lectures, but really there is no external evidence of this. Another great ego grab. He couldn't of been more grandiose in terms of Sanskrit names, after all his most recent competitor was Ramana Maharshi, the real deal.

Mahesh: his personal name and the only one that's legit.

Yogi: According to guru-bhais of ole Mahesh and Guru Dev, Mahesh never trained in yoga-darshana. In fact when it came time to teach yoga- asanas, M. got a gym teacher to write the course on it. This one's not looking good either. But it does look cool on your name, esp. if you dress the part and carry a flower.

Looks like all that's left is "Mahesh". Oh well, it may take a while to make all the corrections on that one. ;-)

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