--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Feb 1, 2009, at 11:42 AM, Richard M wrote:
> > The obvious question for me, Vaj, is why you should be so enthusiastic
> > about such a piece of tabloid journalism, when, relative to some
> > belief you hold dear, you would I am sure be only be too quick to cry
> > "just tabloid journalism!" (and probably quite rightly too).
> What lead you to believe I was "enthusiastic" about it? As far as I'm  
> concerned it is just an entry in the historical record.

"An entry in the historical record" - isn't that a rather pompous way
to describe a report in the News Of The World?

> > The newspaper in question that you link to - the News of the World -
> > has a reputation for being the pits of the pits of the UK gutter
> > press. It's barely more than a comic.
> >
> > Are you in the habit of uncritical acceptance of tabloid truths? Here
> > are a couple of classics of the genre from the News Of The world's
> > sister paper The Sun:
> No, I'm not but regardless of the source we, as witnesses to the  
> series of events that is and was the TMO and Mahesh Varma, have to try  
> to honestly look at this and ascertain "is it or does it represent the  
> historical fact of the matter". Is Linda Pearce a real person? Are the  
> quotes from her? Is there any reason to believe she's making up these  
> claims?

Yes - it appeared in the News of The World. 
> What's more important in a hundred years, if we have an honest  
> historical record for the life of M. Varma or whether we have one that  
> is dishonest and not representing the facts as they truly were?  
> Wouldn't it be egregious to have an historical figure portrayed as a  
> "monk" or "life long celibate" as a major part of their life purpose  
> when they were not in fact as they claimed?

Fine - but you're pre-supposing the truth of what you believe, a
circular argument.

It's just as true that if there is NO truth in Ms Pearce's alleged
allegations, then we don't want a "historical record" (to use your
portentous phrase) in which MMY is falsely accused.

Surely you would agree that there is some truth in the idea that
"extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof"? What does your
complex Buddhist metaphysics and architectonic teach you about the
value or dangers of *gossip*? 

> It's great to establish the actual facts for the historical record. In  
> this case it's very difficult because of the cult-like nature of the  
> TM org. And as I and several others here can tell you, when you  
> present facts they do not want known you'll receive death threats and  
> more from their adherents.

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