On Feb 1, 2009, at 10:22 AM, lurkernomore20002000 wrote:

> Whatever you might believe, if this were any kind of formal hearing,
> the charges would be thrown out immediately.  No first person
> account.  Strictly hearsay.  "Judy" never gave a first person
> account.  Account was only through an interview with a third party.
> That person seemed to have an angle he was "working".
> I would like to see some resolution on the matter since the charges
> have been leveled.  Personally I always suspected that
> the "book"  "Judy" was to write or release would never materialize.
> That said, I have no interest in "protecting" the legacy of M.
> Hardly.  But it does matter to me to exercise fairness when you are
> accusing someone of sexual impropieties, or at least sexual
> hypocrosy.

The person's name is Linda Pearce (neƩ Williams), not Judy.

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