On Feb 1, 2009, at 11:33 AM, enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

>> It's not considered "hearsay" when it's already been published in
>> newspapers Dawn.
> -that- is your standard, that something has been published in
> newspapers?? unbelievable...and what about all of those health
> benefits of TM that i have read published in newspapers? sorry, that
> just doesn't cut it, and is a ludicrousdly low bar, my Biased
> Buddhist.

I never claimed it was my "standard" as you falsely imply, merely that  
it's not hearsay, i.e. unsubstantiated rumor. We have an actual  
person, giving actual verbal testimony of Mahesh boning her. And of  
course there are others.

Regarding TM benefits published in newspapers, benefits merely being  
published in newspapers is NOT my standard for scientific research and  
scientific veracity, nor would I hope it would be yours. But thanks  
for the non sequitur. ;-)

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