--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG." <wg...@...> wrote:
> I think when MMY states in the Science of Being that TM is compatible with 
> any Religion he doesn't mean in the way they are currently being practiced, 
> but in the way they were initially practiced.
> To suggest that TM is compatible with Religion in the way it is currently 
> practiced today strikes me as an insult to ones intelligence.  If the 
> 'essence'  of Religion (contact with Being as stated by MMY) is not in 
> harmony with the 'body'  of Religion (scripture) there will always be a 
> conflict.
> MMY's suggestion that one can continue to practice their own Religion while 
> practicing TM, would inevitably result in ones re-examining their Religion 
> and unavoidably weeding out those aspects of their scripture which are 
> inharmonious with the idea and practice of transcending (per their 
> experience), leading one eventually to either reform their Religion or leave 
> it all together.
> To conclude, in order for Religion, as it is being taught today to be in 
> harmony with TM (or vis-a-versa) it would have to be reformed to be in 
> harmony with the concept of a universal Being which through meditation can be 
> experienced, here and now!  I could go on, but I think you get the point (or 
> should).
> P.S. With perhaps the exception of Hinduism.

Well, not everyone accepts the "universal being" schtick that is basically a 
interpretation of the TC state. As I have pointed out before, a strong atheist
might well attain "God Consciousness" or "Unity Consciousness' ala MMY's 
definitions and still remain a strong atheist.

Just because YOU can't conceive of that happening doesn't mean its impossible,
or even unlikely. If these states really ARE natural states of consciousness,
then the number of interpretations of the states will be unlimited.


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