--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <lengli...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > Well, not everyone accepts the "universal being" schtick that is
basically a Hindu
> > > interpretation of the TC state. As I have pointed out before, a
strong atheist
> > > might well attain "God Consciousness" or "Unity Consciousness' ala
> > > definitions and still remain a strong atheist.
> > >
> > >
> > > Just because YOU can't conceive of that happening doesn't mean its
> > > or even unlikely. If these states really ARE natural states of
> > > then the number of interpretations of the states will be
> > >
> > >
> > > L
> >
> > Lawson, your point of view is interesting.  But why do you believe
that these states may really be natural states of consciousness?
> Shurg, why not? Recent research on sucesful athletic champions and
> shows they fall closer to the "enlightened" part of the Brain
Coherence Index
> than non-champions/unsucessful managers. If that research is
replicated by
> idependents it might lend credibility to MMY's theory that
enlightenment is
> natural whlie non-enlightenment indicates sub-optimal functioning.

Even if you accept this, isn't it a huge step from here to God
consciousness or Unity consciousness?  And even if long term meditators
and champion athletes had similar brain patterns we don't know why and
it doesn't say anything about whether the meditators are also now
better, faster, smarter and closer to enlightenment.   But I understand
your interest.  This was my interest years ago, I just didn't  see
things panning out.  The meditators simply are not exhibiting
characteristics of highly effective  people in any noticable way.
> >
> > Do you believe that TM can be taught without the puja?  What is the
purpose of the puja?
> >
> > God consciousness by MMY:
> >
> > "In Maharishi's (1972) description of higher states of
consciousness, the sixth state of consciousness, God consciousness, is
defined by the unbounded, self-referral awareness of cosmic
consciousness coexisting with the development of refined sensory
perception during the three relative states of waking, dreaming, and
sleeping. Perception and feeling reach their most sublime level, the
finer and more glorious levels of creation are appreciated, and every
impulse of thought and action is enriching to life (pp. 23-6?23-7). The
sixth state is referred to as God consciousness, because the individual
is capable of perceiving and appreciating the full range and mechanics
of creation and experiences waves of love and devotion for the creation
and its creator. Thus, in this state one not only experiences inner
peace, but profoundly loving and peaceful relationships are cultivated
with all others." http://www.mum.edu/m_effect/alexander/index.html
> >
> >
> > How would an atheist interpret the part about experiencing love and
devotion for the creator?
> He's stated it different ways in other talks on the subject, IIRC.

> >
> > I note the phrase "profoundly loving and peaceful relationships are
cultivated with all others."  Do you believe that MMY was in this state?
How do you reconcile it with his behavior which often showed impatience
with others.
> >
> How do I not I recall the story of him screaming at the Indian workers
> were slacking off while doing work, and when the TM students asked how
> he could justify that when he had said that one should always speak
kindly to
> other people and his response was "Yes, but you must speak to them
> in a language they can understand."

Well that story doesn't put MMY in a good light.
> > You could also read this description as rather ordinary.  I
appreciate creation, and I have felt waves of love and devotion for
creation.  I think many have.  Though it is a rare person who has
profoundly loving and peaceful relationships  cultivated with ALL
others.  I slack off there.
> >
> > I'm not touching unity consciousness yet.
> >
> Shrugs
> L

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