--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:

> The experience of TC may or may not be "the 
> same" from experiencer to experiencer. But 
> the *interpretation* of that experience? How
> could that *ever* be the same, given the 
> disparity in what we have been taught about
> what such an experience might "mean?"

That might be true if God and atheist weren't antithetical to each other.

> Someone who can recognize that is not "off
> their meds." That was a cheap shot.

Maybe so and I apologized, but It's the only response I could think of at the 
time as the observation seemed so absurd. Call *it* what you want, but I was 
using the word God!

Ohhhh, ""it depends on what you mean by God"", OKKKKKK well, I ain't gonna have 
that argument as we could be debating that until the cows come home, forget it! 
 If you can't even come to an understanding of the meaning of words how are you 
ever going to communicate!???

I don't want to have some stupid semantic argument about what a word means, 
come on! 

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