shempmcgurk wrote:
> I can really identify with Kirk today.
> I'm in a transition in my life in which I am feeling really, really low.
> I've lost almost all confidence in myself.  And I cry a lot (yeah, that's 
> pretty sappy considering that I'm a 54 year old male).
> Any kind words or advise (yes, I'm asking!) directed my way will be very 
> welcome.
What's going on in your horoscope?  I don't know if you believe in 
astrology but I see symptoms of bad transits and even dasha changes 
going on right now with some people on this group.  Especially the dasha 
change if you've been in one long one and the next one is a different 
them can take a little time to get into the swing of.   The thing to 
remember is these things don't last forever.

And of course the economy is driving people nuts.  Except for folks who 
saw this coming most people assumed that there might be a negative blip 
and then things would get back on course.  Instead we're seeing a big 
apocalyptic science fiction movie playing out in front of us.  The key 
there is not to be attached to it.  I laugh about the situation a lot 
though it is not a laughing matter.  I just wonder, "where were all the 

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