On Mar 26, 2009, at 11:04 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

Tibetan teachings are 'far-fetched' according to
Marshy - they are a 'mixup' of traditions, some don't
even make any sense at all.

Yeah like we'd take the Donald Trump of Hinduism as an authority on Tibetan Buddhism! He couldn't even finish a comment on the Bhagavad- geeta in 40 years. I'm sure there's a lot that didn't make sense to Mr. Varmarishi.

Heck the Marshy can't even read Sanskrit, seems like he should've stuck to selling gaudy Hindu houses missing their doors on the south side. If you really wanna see something far-fetched? I'll show ya some human bunnies who think they're helping create world peace by manipulating the unified field of physics.

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