Jefferson is considered the guru or rishi of the Republican party.  When he was 
alive, it can be assumed that he believed to be superior to most people, given 
the fact that he supported slavery and kept many slaves as well.  Since he fell 
to the temptation of an apsara, this only proves that he was a mere human being.

Barry, I don't think you need to worry about Indra sending one of his apsaras 
to tempt you.  Why?  Because you don't present a challenge to his dominion.  
He's already got you by the balls, so to speak.


> Just as a question, are you aware that this
> fact "would bring up those 'related' ideas"
> only in someone who fears women?
> > For instance, the literature includes many stories relating 
> > to aspsaras, or the celestial dancers.  These are supposedly 
> > beautiful goddesses in Indra's court.  Every now and then, 
> > Indra would order these apsaras to tempt those who are 
> > attempting to be rishis through there austerity and 
> > meditation programs. 
> And you believe that "austerity and meditation
> programs" are by definition somehow "higher" or
> "better" than having sex and having children?
> And that "being a rishi" is somehow "better" or
> "higher" than being a householder? Or even being
> Just A Guy?
> You do, dude, whether you know it or not. Other-
> wise you would never have made this non-existent
> "connection" between Jefferson (who aspired to
> no such status, and was Just A Guy) and these
> cave-bound, fearful guys who were pursuing "rishi"
> status. Jefferson was Just A Guy who fell in love 
> with Just A Woman. End of story. 
> He didn't hide it. He loved Sally Hemmings, accord-
> ing to all reports during his life. And I, for one,
> have to value that as "higher" or "better" than
> someone wasting their life in meditation, hoping
> for "results" that benefit only himself. 
> I'm writing back only because I get SO tired of
> this glorification of Male Chauvinist "scripture,"
> written by men who were terrified of women, *for*
> other men who are terrified of women, painting
> half the human race as mere temptresses, created
> for no other purpose than to make their wangers
> rise instead of their kundalini and lure them 
> "off the spiritual path." I can conceive of no 
> sadder view of life. And to glorify a supposed 
> God or gods whom one believes supposedly *created* 
> such a sad view of life? Even sadder.
> > In other words, was Jefferson tempted by an apsara, in the 
> > guise of Sally Hemmings?
> In other words, Jefferson was Just A Guy, just as
> Buddha was Just A Guy, and just as every supposed
> male saint or avatar or rishi in history has been 
> Just A Guy.
> The only difference was that Jefferson was smarter
> than the fearful "rishis" who were so terrified of
> women that when it came time to make up fairy 
> stories, the only ones they could think up involved
> self-importance fantasies about how all the women 
> around them were trying to "tempt" them. 
> That and the fact that Jefferson actually DID 
> SOMETHING with his life, whereas most of the 
> "rishis" just sat around and indulged in self-
> importance fantasies and wrote about it, for the 
> enjoyment of other male chauvinist, fearful men 
> who like reading such stories so that *they*
> can indulge in self-importance fantasies, too.
> Have I made my position on this clear enough?
> If not, here it is in two sentences. 
> Anyone who believes that "God" made half the human 
> race superior to the other half, and that he has 
> to FEAR the other half lest they lure him away 
> from that "God," more than deserves that "God."
> May they be happy together in their male chauvinist
> heaven.
> You probably didn't intend to say exactly this, 
> John, but IMO you DO believe it. It's been apparent 
> in your posts here since Day One. You glorify fairy
> tales that glorify men and that portray women as 
> whores and temptresses. It comes up as a theme in
> your posts often. And I think that's sad.
> But if it gets you through the day to believe that
> women are here to tempt you away from the "true
> path," may you be happy on that path. Horny, but
> happy.  :-)

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