Forget about Jindal. After his wimpy impersonation of Mr. Roberts, it ain't 
happening. My bet is on General David Petraeus. The other day I saw Oliver 
North (who should be behind bars along with William Ayers) on FOX News hyping 
Petraeus about what a great job he was doing in Afghanistan, as if Petraeus was 
making all the military decisions without any direction from President Obama, 
Secretary of State Clinton or US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, 
Richard Holbrooke.

And there's this:

"THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that General Petraeus is planning on 
delivering the commencement address at the University of Iowa in 2010.
Petraeus going to Iowa, a state he doesn't have previous ties to, is going to 
create a huge amount of buzz about his presidential ambitions because the Iowa 
Caucuses kick off the whole presidential nomination process. If he does, 
deliver the address—and Petraeus must know this—it will be seen as a sign that 
he is thinking about running in 2012." 

Read more:

Love her of hate her, as far as Sarah Palin is concerned, she can draw big 
crowd enthusiasm, make a lot of money for the GOP and will probably get the 
same rightwing populist support as Mike Huckabee who won the Iowa caucus.

I'm saying the GOP pick will be Petraeus/Palin for 2012.

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