--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchy...@...> wrote:
> Forget about Jindal. After his wimpy impersonation of Mr. Roberts, it ain't 
> happening. My bet is on General David Petraeus. The other day I saw Oliver 
> North (who should be behind bars along with William Ayers) on FOX News hyping 
> Petraeus about what a great job he was doing in Afghanistan, as if Petraeus 
> was making all the military decisions without any direction from President 
> Obama, Secretary of State Clinton or US special envoy to Afghanistan and 
> Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke.
> And there's this:
> "THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that General Petraeus is planning on 
> delivering the commencement address at the University of Iowa in 2010.
> Petraeus going to Iowa, a state he doesn't have previous ties to, is going to 
> create a huge amount of buzz about his presidential ambitions because the 
> Iowa Caucuses kick off the whole presidential nomination process. If he does, 
> deliver the address—and Petraeus must know this—it will be seen as a sign 
> that he is thinking about running in 2012." 
> Read more:
> http://tinyurl.com/bbox3p 
> http://www.spectator.co.uk/americano/3441926/petraeus-planning-2010-visit-to-iowa.thtml
> Love her of hate her, as far as Sarah Palin is concerned, she can draw big 
> crowd enthusiasm, make a lot of money for the GOP and will probably get the 
> same rightwing populist support as Mike Huckabee who won the Iowa caucus.
> I'm saying the GOP pick will be Petraeus/Palin for 2012.
There's only one problem with this prediction: General Patraeus is a soldier, 
and doesn't want politics...he's apolitical...
And besides, I would believe anything, that comes out of the mouth of Mr. NOrth.

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