--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <lengli...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > What is WRONG with "subtle or minimal effort?"
> > What is WRONG with TM being slightly intentional?
> > Is it WRONG because it conflicts with the sales
> > brochure? That's what it looks like to me.
> Actually, you've misread what I said as far as I can tell.
> And MMY's own words that I recall are "least effort in the
> direction of less effort."

For the record, sparaig, I don't give a flying
fuck what "MMY's own words" were -- about this
or about anything else.

I don't consider him an expert or authority 
about much of ANYTHING, including TM. 

That's what you guys don't seem to understand
in this discussion. WE DON'T CARE how Maharishi
describes TM. We are providing our OWN descrip-
tions of TM, based on our own experience of 
not only TM but a wide range of meditative 
techniques, and not only the experience of 
practicing them but of teaching them. 

I am quite comfortable with "least effort"
or "minimal effort" or even "almost nearly 
effortless" to describe the process of coming
back to the mantra in TM. What I am not 
comfortable with is "effortless." 

What Maharishi says based on HIS "analysis" 
doesn't mean shit to me. 

What I'm talking about is what I say, based
upon MY analysis. 

You can use the word "effortless" if you want.
I cannot. It is not true, based on either 
theory or my own experience. 

Now go argue about this with someone who gives
a fuck.  :-)

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