--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick" <risro...@...> wrote:
> > 
> > Of this study, David Orme-Johnson notes:
> > 
> > "The mindfulness and mental relaxation controls condition
> > were modeled after the Transcendental Meditation program,
> > and they had the same contact time with the teacher,
> > practice time, and expectation fostering features as TM.
> > Yet they did not produce the same effects on health, mental
> > flexibility, and longevity as the Transcendental Meditation
> > program."
> > 
> > > > unlike the other meditation relaxation techniques,
> > > > even though all were taught using a format deliberately
> > > > similar to the TM> program's.
> > > 
> I doubt it.  You can't artificially fabricate a control with the 
> expectation-fostering features of TM.  You can't artificially duplicate the 
> religious fervor of the TM teacher or the all the experience behind that 
> fervor.
Why not?
Why not say, this relaxation/mindfulness technique will allow you to have more 
energy, intelligence and ultimately do better in school and make more 
money...isn't that motivation enough in today's world...

The thing is,  that because this technique comes from am 'Ancient 
Source'...this is significant...
And the puja, only re-engages the minds ancient memory of it's source,
Reconnecting modern humans with this ancient knowledge.
And the puja sets the conditions, perfectly for transcending.
The motivation factor is deeper knowledge of self.
Science alone cannot give this experience of transcendence, without it being 
connected to the heart, because transcendence requires both sides of the brain 
to function in harmony...science and artistic both.

Besides, as I was saying before, these other techniques don't provide for 
systematically refinement of thought and ultimately, transcending thought.

The Maharishi has the  best methods for transcending which have withstood the 
test of time.
Obama Rama says so.

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