9-11 story obviously is different than the government line. The country, 
would go topsy turvey if the real story came out, which it won't in our 
lifetime if ever.
It's a 'follow the money' situation. Transparency - ha! Never happen with WTC's.

WTC 7 of course is a key.  My nephew was in military intelligence with a pretty 
understanding of 'intelligence' - he said, 'if the CIA is there, the building 
is 'set' to
implode!  You can bet no one would have rented in WTC 7 if they new that!  I 
had been
on every floor of all 3 buildings many times with many memories.

            --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, off_world_beings 
<no_re...@.. .> wrote:

> > Curtis, have you ever worked for the federal government? 

No, but I did business with enough of them to know that they aren't special in 
any way. And for a while there, after 9-11,the people involved would have had 
to have been James Bond to keep it all together.

Arhata was

> > being a bit ambiguous in his reply but I think he means that people

> > buying the "official" story are the ones programmed with nonsense.>>

You may be right.  Arhata, pick a card...but before you answer, I hope you will 
read what Off has written below.  He is on the conspiracy team.


> And everyone forgets the 'suicide' of the government scientist who was

> going to be investigated for the anthrax, and several other fishy deaths

> and suicides that seem way too many coincidences since they were always

> people who may have given damning evidence if they lived -- but guess

> what, they conveniently died in plane crashes or 'committed suicide'


> OffWorld



> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

> <mailto:FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com> , Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:

> >

> > curtisdeltablues wrote:

> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com

> <mailto:FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com> , Arhata Osho <arhatafreespeech@ >

> wrote:

> > >

> > >> The one explaining how 9-11 could have been an inside job and how

> people could

> > >> keep quite.

> > >>

> > >

> > > They couldn't.  This is one of those topics that pop up from time to

> time that drives anti-conspiracy posters nuts, and then it disappears. 

> Government dweebs don't keep their mouthes shut and NOT rat out their

> friends and co-conspirators to save their asses.  You nailed it brother.

> > Curtis, have you ever worked for the federal government?   Arhata was

> > being a bit ambiguous in his reply but I think he means that people

> > buying the "official" story are the ones programmed with nonsense.>>


> And everyone forgets the 'suicide' of the government scientist who was

> going to be investigated for the anthrax, and several other fishy deaths

> and suicides that seem way too many coincidences since they were always

> people who may have given damning evidence if they lived -- but guess

> what, they conveniently died in plane crashes or 'committed suicide'


> OffWorld








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