From: []
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 12:10 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: I see Bevan has been polishing his thumbscrews

Emmanuel did very well. The fools in the audiance that reacted to his words
belongs to the generation of germans born after WWII, brainwashed by the
americans to believe that the german people are trash and altogether a very
dangerous people. 
I think that in general, Americans like and respect the Germans. They just
don't like what happened under Hitler, and no self-respecting German does
These hillbillies took over all schools, threw out all books and made new
ones fitting for the americans and their ridicelous capitalism (we see where
that idea is going now) and even banned their National Anthem !
What was that, Deutschland Uber Alles? Can you provide some documentation
for the above sentence?

Now the same "ubermensh", the utterly foolish americans, the white trash of
the West here on FFL try to humilate a true german ! 
I don't think most Germans would consider this guy a "True German".

What an utter garbagedump FFL has turned into.
You mean you used to view it as something other than one?

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