--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> On Apr 23, 2009, at 10:16 PM, grate.swan wrote:
> >> What an utter garbagedump FFL has turned into.
> >>
> >
> > Many in spiritual circles appear attached to the concept of non- 
> > attachment -- but it appears to me (hardly a strong truth test) they  
> > are quite attached to aversion.
> Grate, interesting and apropos observation.
> Stuck in polarities...
> >
> > Just a few of today's posts I have skimmed and aversion seems to be  
> > blossoming like spring -- deep (and almost trembling) aversion to  
> > americans, strippers, enhanced breasts, people who are satisfied  
> > with TM, and on and on.
> >
> > One thing I have found in exposure to real spiritual people (and the  
> > categorization is my own, not an epistimologically pristine claim)  
> > is that they are interested in everyone, everything and anything.  
> > Its like they start each moment with a blank slate. Everything is  
> > new, to be explored. As a friend told me once, "Maharishi could (and  
> > did) talk for 4 hours on which floor tiles to choose."
> What would you say about those who want OH SO MUCH to talk about "I",  
> "Me" or "Mine"...groups that gather to talk about "My" experience.  
> This happened to "Me" and My very interesting shadow. Would it bother  
> you if I told you I was "Enlightened"? Would it bother you if a bunch  
> of "Enlightened" people got together and flapped jaw of I, Me and  
> Mine...all the while flappin' on just how enlighten'd they were?
> No?
> Yes?

I am not sure who does this so I don't have any direct observations (nor the 
wild and crazy thoughts that arise with most observations.) 

But in general, I think people do what they need to do. What they do is useful 
for them, else they would not be doing it. Things that the vast population of 
people do -- well it may not be for me, but I wish them good luck. And I figure 
I may have done that in the past, or may be yet in queue to do it in the 
future. Every season has a purpose and a reason. 

My points in this post are not criticisms but perosnal observations.  And 
mostly to clarify my own thinking. When I make a chastising or snarked-up 
observation, I am first and foremost describing myself and something I do, have 
done or will do. And its a process of working it out -- whether I am conscious 
at the moment of the process or not. But I guarantee you sometime in the next 
week or month, I will express some high tootin' aversion to something -- and my 
words here will come back to me perhaps chastising but also as a nice insight 
or lesson -- and act as a fulcrum to create change.  

As for others, I am sure I don't get their lives, have not walked a mile in 
their moccasins, so if what appears to be aversion to me works for them --  I 
offer my best wishes. 
> >
> > But enlightenment shalaitzament -- who cares. But a baseline of   
> > total acceptance, openness, a fresh look at everything, has some  
> > appeal to me when I see it live, in action.
> Oh yeah.
> >
> > TM appears not to be a universal technique to enliven such qualities  
> > in everyone. Perhaps it does in some. I see people who do TM , and  
> > other methods, who have these non-attached, non-adverse,  
> > enthusiastic in each moment for everything. But also see a lot of  
> > people highly adverse to lots of things, and perhaps attached many  
> > things similtaneously, to "my program", my diet, my so pure  
> > lifestyle, my method, my guru, etc. I am not sure, but I am guessing  
> > St Peter doesn't open the gate to people with a  3' stick up their  
> > butts. (and man, thats gotta hurt during yogic flying).
> Or block the channels as Shankaracharya folks observe...the channels  
> of outwardness, the samskaras of vyuthana...
> > If I were King Tony, I would round up all the so holy rajas and  
> > obsequious hangers-on and take them to the best -- and also the  
> > diviest -- strip clubs in Amsterdam. Show people how to see and  
> > enjoy the bliss in everything. Even in silicone breasts.
> Well, good luck with that. Those channels have (IMO) already been  
> scarred and blocked.
> > As Louis said, "Its a wonderful world". Some long term TMers seem  
> > too bitter and adverse to enjoy much of it.
> Well, thanks for stating the obvious!

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