--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> Once again, define evil for us...

"Evil" is a word that people who want to 
do something nasty or despicable hurl at
the person or entity they want to do it 
to, to make themselves look better.

That's what it was when hurling the epi-
thet at the "Axis Of Evil," and that's
what it is when someone hurls it at Dick
Cheney. They're trying to make themselves
and the inordinate amount of hatred they
are aiming at him and the bad things they
want to happen to him look "less evil."

I think that throwing around the word 
"evil" is as stupid when done by supposedly
smart people as it is when hurled around by
stupid, fanatical Christians and aimed at 
gays or people who have sex or who interpret
the Bible differently.

In short, I do not believe that any human
being on the planet knows what "evil" is
EXCEPT as an excuse for their own actions.
And since I don't believe in a God, I don't
believe that *any* entity in creation knows
what "evil" is, either.

Killing? Then Krishna and Arjuna are evil.
Lying? Then Maharishi was evil, many times
over. "Predation?" Then all those Old Test-
ament prophets who told their followers 
to take the people they conquered and turn 
them into slaves and concubines were evil.

When I hear someone use the word "evil,"
the only thing I usually think is, "Avoid
that person...they're about to make an
excuse for something bad that they plan
to do or want to do or hope to do."

And I think that my take on hearing the
word "evil" is as good as anyone else's 
"definition" of it.

Go ahead. TRY to define "evil" in concrete
terms. No matter what example you use, I
or others here will be able to find an
instance of someone from religious scrip-
ture doing that exact thing, and being
praised and called holy for it.

The word "evil" is a thought-stopper.
Those who use it show that their ability
to think probably stopped long ago.

And those are my thoughts about "evil,"
because I can still have them, even after
you hurled the epithet.  :-)

Now riff on them all you want. I promise
not to call you "evil" if you do. 

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