enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
> i'm all for that- let the bidding begin-- 
> although his ticker is pretty much shot, 
> so after even a few minutes of waterboarding,
> for example, he'd be toast.
You and the black dyke got it all wrong - 
you forgot the rules. Torture is illegal in
the U.S. But, how much would you be bidding?

So the question is this: Why do liberals find 
this joke funny when they should find it 

What is really wrong with these people?

"Wanda Sykes equates dissent with treason. 
She likens a domestic political opponent to 
a foreign enemy. 

She makes fun of the disabled (Limbaugh's 
past addiction to painkillers would entitle 
him to protection under the Americans With 
Disabilities Act). 

She makes light of a form of interrogation 
that some people consider torture. And she 
wishes somebody dead.

In Obama's wide grin as Sykes was telling 
her joke, we saw the smug look of a man who 
enjoys seeing his critics dehumanized. The 
president of the United States should be 
better than this."

'The Two Jokes'
By James Taranto

> > So what is good for the goose is good for 
> > the gander and Cheney should be controlled 
> > probably in a cell in Gitmo after being tried 
> > and found guilty.  Perhaps to pay for Cheney's 
> > incarceration we can have daily bidding on a 
> > punishment for him which will be televised.

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