TurquoiseB wrote:
> To believe in evil per se is -- for me --
> akin to believing that there are some things
> that a person could do that would completely
> *prohibit* realizing their own enlightenment.
> And most of the sages I respect have said
> the exact opposite. The potential for Buddha-
> nature is just as present in Dick Cheney as
> it was in young Prince Siddhartha. Whether
> that Buddha-nature will ever be *realized*
> in Dick Cheney is another question. I would
> not consider it likely in this lifetime, but
> I admit the possibility, however remote. 

Evil is the ego, is it not, oh wise, "hammer-in-chief?"  So it is 
Cheney's ego that will keep him from any realization in this lifetime 
and probably many future ones.  Conservatives believe that man is 
inherently evil and must be controlled.  So what is good for the goose 
is good for the gander and Cheney should be controlled probably in a 
cell in Gitmo after being tried and found guilty.  Perhaps to pay for 
Cheney's incarceration we can have daily bidding on a punishment for him 
which will be televised.

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