Judy wrote:
> As it turned out, of course, she was prescient: 
> Cheney *was* a nightmare for this country, one 
> of the worst in its history...
Say's who, your Mother? 

And compared to who, Joe Biden or Dan Quayle? 

According to my sources, Dick Cheney has been 
characterized as the most powerful and influential 
Vice President in U.S. history.  

While Dick Cheney was in office, the U.S. won 
the war in Panama and then the U.S. won the war 
in Kuwait. Dick Cheney oversaw the 1991 Operation 
Desert Storm, a war the U.S. won and a war that 
almost 98% of your congressional leaders voted 
in favor of, (except for the John Kerry, who
voted against a war the U.S. won). Go figure.

Both Barak Obama and Joe Biden opposed the surge 
in Iraq - they were both wrong - the surge worked.
John Kerry was wrong about the first Iraq war. 

So, if your Mother was so prescient, why didn't 
she predict that John Kerry or Joe Biden would be 
such a disaster? 

When Dick Cheney was Vice-President, there was 
not a single successful attack by terrorists on 
U.S. soil.

If Cheney is right about Obama and Biden, U.S. 
security has been compromised. If true, then I'd 
say that Obama and Biden are the worst president 
and vice-president in U.S. history, and it's only 
been a little over 100 days! 

And where was John Kerry when the president made 
the U.S. less safe? Isn't John Kerry supposed to 
be on top of U.S. intelligence to make the U.S.

"The Obama administration ought to call Cheney's 
bluff, if it is that, and release the memos. If 
even a stopped clock is right twice a day, this 
could be Cheney's time..."

Full story:

'What if Cheney is right about those torture memos?'
Press Democrat, May 12, 2009

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