--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> Thanks for the appreciative words, Barry. It so happens that that particular
> Zen story is one of my inspirations and I've told it often. The other day
> Judy mentioned that I must be "really pissed" because of something Raunchy
> said. It surprised me a bit that she would think I would get upset by
> something someone wrote here. As you say, it's just a little forum, and I
> might add that we're all just visitors on a little planet in a vast galaxy,
> a "perspective trick" I find useful. I often look at astronomy photos to
> broaden my perspective. If one can get a sense of how small we are in
> comparison to the actuality of things, it's hard to take oneself too
> seriously. Another thing is that I can usually find something to like in
> most people. Judy has many admirable qualities. I've known Raunchy
> personally for decades and I think she's a wonderful person. Nabby is the
> most entertaining guy here. I'd be disappointed if he left. 
> I tend to think of people as sense organs of the infinite. "Light that is
> one though the lamps be many," as the Incredible String Band put it. God
> wants to taste all varieties of experience, from the bum in the gutter to
> the President of the United States (little distinction in Raunchy's
> opinion). So from that perspective, all the clashing personalities on FFL
> and in the world at large aren't really clashing; they're just expressing
> various facets of a much larger, more inclusive perspective. God is
> entertaining himself. It's my understanding that Brahman incorporates all
> apparent opposites and polarities. I think  the Vedic literature is written
> the way it is, with so many expectation-shattering stories, to culture the
> perspective that one's own little peephole on the Universe does not afford a
> view of the whole, and that therefore one should not take oneself too
> seriously.

Thanks Rick. I like you too. I appreciate your perspective and I share it. 
Everyone plays a role, we dance and wear many hats throughout the day. I'll 
fiercely defend your peep hole into the universe today and argue against you 
with guns a-blazing the next. I play my role passionately. I embrace it and I 
honor your passion play as well. Opposites are the spice of life. By the way 
Obama is not a bum in the gutter, he's a corporate tool in the White House.

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