--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <r...@...> wrote:
> The other day Judy mentioned that I must be "really
> pissed" because of something Raunchy said.

Actually I said you were really pissed because I'd
reposted your account of Obama's telling you he was
going to repair the holes Bush had blasted in the

> It surprised me a bit that she would think I would
> get upset by something someone wrote here.

So it must also have surprised you that Raunchy and
I objected to your suggestion that we criticize
Obama only because we're angry that Hillary lost,
and that we would never criticize Hillary if she
were in office and doing the same things Obama is
doing. I mean, why on earth should that have
bothered us? You never had any intention of
insulting us, right?

> I think  the Vedic literature is written the way it
> is, with so many expectation-shattering stories, to
> culture the perspective that one's own little peephole
> on the Universe does not afford a view of the whole,
> and that therefore one should not take oneself too
> seriously.

Because if you don't take yourself too seriously, you
never need to take a stand on anything; you don't need
to take any risks or fight any battles. The injustice
and cruelty and suffering you see through your little
peephole just doesn't matter in the larger scale of
things; no need to exert yourself to remedy it.

Q: If everything is perfect just as it is, why are we
working so hard to change things?

MMY: That too is perfect just as it is.

"...There is no room for timidity. The fact that you
might be wrong is simply no excuse: You might be
right in your communication, and you might be wrong,
but that doesn't matter. What does matter, as
Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by
investing and speaking your vision with passion, can
the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the
reluctance of the world. If you are right, or if you
are wrong, it is only your passion that will force
either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote
that discovery--either way--and therefore it is your
duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and
courage you can find in your heart.

"You must shout, in whatever way you can."

--Ken Wilber

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