--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> > And what is happening in Sitges nowadays?  We aren't
> > hearing much about that place anymore for some reason.
> > 
> i think Barry realized shortly after coming down from
> his high on initially escaping to Sitges, is that he
> came along too.:-)

Heh. We've seen this happen over and over again,
first after he escaped from the U.S. to Paris (that
was on alt.m.t), then after his escape from Paris to
that little French town, and now after his escape
from the little French town to Sitges.

He didn't keep us informed of whatever moves he was
making while he was still in the U.S., but he kept
changing his handle at regular intervals, which may
have been a symptom of the same realization. It
doesn't seem to stick, though...

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