--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> For most people I knew in the TMO, there was 
> a profound moment of cognitive dissonance the
> moment that they *realized* that they'd been
> snookered into paying several thousand dollars
> for *literally* the same phrases they could have
> found in a $3.95 paperback.

I don't know how much of the $3,000 I paid to
learn the TM-Sidhis was for the phrases (or if
any of it was, for that matter).

I took a CIC course and had several hours of
detailed instruction both days of six (?)
weekends, to start with; then two weeks at MIU,
including many more hours of instruction, plus
rather sumptuous meals and a comfortable single
room in one of the pods.

> However, for most of those people, their *next*
> response was to "stuff" that moment of cognitive
> dissonance and try their best to never think of
> it consciously, ever again. You see it here daily, 
> as people still speak of the TM-sidhis as if they 
> were something magical and special. But *without 
> exception*, everyone knows that they are not. It's 
> just thinking a few buzzphrases that they could 
> have gotten for $3.95.

Without the detailed instruction, I wouldn't have
had the foggiest idea *how* to "think the buzzphrases."
There is, of course, a lot more to it than you

I wouldn't say the TM-Sidhis are "magical" per se,
but in terms of the personal return on investment,
for me they're most definitely "special."

> An honest person could *admit*, both to themselves
> and to the world, that that is what they paid sev-
> eral thousand dollars for. A less honest person
> might try to keep that information hidden and even
> try to make it appear to be mystical or magical in
> some way, so that new generations of suckers could 
> be bilked as they were.

However an honest person would characterize the TM-
Sidhis, they wouldn't claim the fee for the course
was only for the phrases. It would be the less-honest
person who would make that claim.

Just sayin'.

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