--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <reavisma...@...> wrote:
> Vaj can obviously choose to write any way that he feels
> is right for him, and you can choose to speculate as to
> what his real motivations are behind his style; but I
> prefer to accept what he says at face value and evaluate
> that.

With regard to your contention that Vaj may be right that
the Perennial Philosophy is an illusion, I'd just suggest
that you not let your mind be so open your brains fall out.

> I doubt that Vaj was trying to impress me and in any case,
> the high-falutin' words weren't the issue for me, though I
> understand that they were for you.

It isn't just that the words are highfalutin. It's that
they're used to dress up ideas that don't hold up to
examination. Lipstick on a pig, in other words.

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