The "dark side" of FFL draws me back in.  :-)

--- In, "Marek Reavis" <reavisma...@...> wrote:
> A concession is not the same as a contention, which I believe 
> you understand quite well, or else you would not have segued 
> at the end of your post from arguing that I made a contention 
> to that I had made a concession to Vaj.  

To "concede" means to "lose," Marek, to admit
that you don't know the truth of something. 
Judy is just kindly pointing out that you are
a loser and she has never been because she has
never conceded anything.  :-)

> And my "concession" to Vaj was an acknowledgement that I 
> don't *know* the truth of the matter discussed and I freely 
> admit the limitations of my knowledge, not only regarding 
> that issue but many things in life which are discussed.  

Exactly. This whole anti-Vaj rap has just been 
the "TM Teacher Boogie," in two cases performed
by two TM teachers who have demonstrated for 
years that they are incapable of doing anything
but parroting what Maharishi told them to say
(Raunchydog and Nabby), and in one case by a 
*wannabe* TM teacher who wants to be able to
declare "the truth" without even having earned
the right to claim knowing it as a TM teacher.
She's just a second-generation parrot.

The thing that astounds me about all three is
that they keep trying to bash Vaj for "not 
understanding" TM, *based on him understanding
it very well, and having rejected it*. RD says
that his descriptions of TM are not "correct"
because they describe things using different
language than he is "supposed* to use, or come
to different conclusions than Maharishi did.

What hubris. "We know the truth, because this
guy named Maharishi told it to us." Furthermore,
if you claim anything else, or use different
language than the watered-down pablum that 
Maharishi used to describe things, you are not
only "incorrect," your motives are in question.

This "pile on Vaj" session was about one thing
and one thing only -- "Demonize the TM critic."

> My belief in the truth of something, even something that I 
> may have spent a lot of time studying or researching, doesn't 
> render it true, even though I may believe that it is.  

That is why you are a pleasant person to discuss
things with, Marek, and why so many on this forum
are *not* as pleasant to discuss things with. 

The sheer HUBRIS of someone believing that what
they believe equates to "truth" blows my mind. I
*understand* where this compulsion comes from
(Maharishi), but that doesn't make it any less
ego-bound and tedious to deal with.

> I'm willing to discuss a subject and argue my position, to 
> the degree I have one, but I can't tell you that it is Truth 
> just because I have formed the opinion that it's true.

That makes you a FAILURE in the eyes of the TM
True Believer, Marek. If you had just understood
what Maharishi said "correctly," you would know
the Truth the way they do.  :-)
> Moreover, I have no animus for Vaj and within the context 
> of my discussion with him, as with most people, I prefer 
> to be polite and considerate.  

As opposed to acting like a dick, and worse, a
True Believer dick.

Vaj's "crime" was to disagree with Maharishi.
No one here should lose sight of that bottom 
line. However these three may attempt to spin
what they do, that is always their bottom line.

Somewhere along the line they gave up the right
to think for themselves, or to use "incorrect"
language to think about or describe the meditation
process. They played "Please the teacher" and
learned to parrot his words perfectly. And now to
mask their own lack of creative thought they call
anyone not as limited as themselves "incorrect."
It's a grade-school mentality.

> He stated his views regarding a subject where I hold a 
> differing view;  I don't have to be an asshole to disagree 
> with him; that's simple manners.  

"Simple manners" are not viewed as a positive
thing if you have convinced yourself you know
the Truth, Marek. Anyone who disagrees with
your "truth" -- the truth as stated by the all-
knowledgeable teacher -- is WRONG. Didn't you 
learn that in grade school? Didn't Mrs. Bupkus
swat your hand with a ruler when you disagreed
with her, and point out how "incorrect" you
were, and what a Bad Person you were for being

That lesson "took" for Raunchydog and Nabby and
Judy. They live in that mentality to this day,
and attempt to impose it on others. They're
intellectually and socially still *in* grade

Me, I think you graduated and went on to higher
studies, and that makes you a more interesting 
person than any of them...

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