So, the CIA's main business is to keep the drugs flowing so they can make 
money, but not to keep blacks down. Robert a *real* liberal (progressive) would 
recognize the CIA not only sees to it that blacks are kept down on drugs but 
are also infected with CIA engineered HIV, jees, you really do need to go to 
church more often or atleast subscribe to Rev Wrights audio tapes.

From: Robert <>
Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 9:10:19 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ ...> wrote:
> So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? I guess in 1983 they 
> could have been, although the taliban didn't take control of Afghjanistan 
> till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the Taliban and the US backed 
> the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban out of the country. So 
> Robert, do you go to Reverend Wrights church? I mean if the CIA is in control 
> of Afghan Opium it must be to keep our *uppidy* negros down, doncha think?

>The U.S. left the Northern Alliance, hanging, and their main leader was 
>assassinated. ..
I am not sure what you mean by uppity negros, other than it shows your 
Most of the Opium, from Afghanistan, will be mostly traveling to the addicts in 
Europe...although, I am sure some will make it to the United States...
The Republican War Machine, like money to come in steadily, on commodities, 
that people need, like oil...when you run out of gas, you don't have a choice, 
but to give more money to the Texas/Saudi Connection.. .right?
When you have people addicted to Heroin, they will be sure to get you the 
money, for the drug, any way they can...the Republicans like that...
That is why they are fighting so hard to keep the medical system the, 
they can get their cut...
I know for a fact, that the CIA's main business, is to keep the drugs flowing...
They don't want to legalize marijuana, because, it's too easy to grow, and they 
will lose business...
Sorry if this blows your image of what really goes on...



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