Still dodging the question, eh? How do you know anybody in the photo of Reagan 
meeting Afghan Mujaheddin were Taliban or belonged to any other group? <Taliban 
never driven out of Afghanistan? Tell that to Mullah Omar and his government, 
tens of thousands of Afghani refugees living in Pakistan's tribal regions and 
Obama Bin Laden. <"They are radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a 
faction of that group." Sorry, but it sounds like you are equating all 
Mujaheddin as radical  Muslims on a level with the Taliban. Don't they call 
that *painting with a broad brush*, xenaphobic?

From: do.rflex <>
Sent: Sun, November 1, 2009 7:33:26 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'


--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ ...> wrote:
> If  FairfieldLife' s very own expatriot postal worker was trying to answer 
> for Robert, you failed. The Question was, How dou you know the Afganis in 
> that photo were Taliban? Mujaheddin had several factions, one of which were 
> Taliban. The Northern Alliance helped our special forces drive the Taliban 
> out of Afghanistan. 

News Flash for Southern Man: The Taliban were never driven out of Afghanistan 
by the Northern Alliance or anybody else. 

Equating anybody that opposed the Soviet Union as *Taliban* sounds ...xenophbic.

Making a distorted, false suggestion like that confirms that don't have a clue 
what you're talking about.

> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: do.rflex <do.rf...@.. .>
> To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 2:16:50 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > So, how is it that you know that those are Taliban? 
> >
> They are the radical Muslim Mujahidin. The Taliban is/was a faction of that 
> group.
> >
> I guess in 1983 they could have been, although the taliban didn't take 
> control of Afghjanistan till some time in the 90's. The Saudis backed the 
> Taliban and the US backed the Northern Alliance, who helped kick the Taliban 
> out of the country. 
> The Southern redneck needs a good history review:
> Fisking the "War on Terror"
> by Juan Cole - August 02, 2005
> Once upon a time, a dangerous radical gained control of the US Republican 
> Party.
> Reagan increased the budget for support of the radical Muslim Mujahidin 
> conducting terrorism against the Afghanistan government to half a billion 
> dollars a year.
> One fifth of the money, which the CIA mostly turned over to Pakistani 
> military intelligence to distribute, went to Gulbuddin Hikmatyar, a violent 
> extremist who as a youth used to throw acid on the faces of unveiled girls in 
> Afghanistan.
> Not content with creating a vast terrorist network to harass the Soviets, 
> Reagan then pressured the late King Fahd of Saudi Arabia to match US 
> contributions. He had earlier imposed on Fahd to give money to the Contras in 
> Nicaragua, some of which was used to create rightwing death squads. (Reagan 
> liked to sidestep Congress in creating private terrorist organizations for 
> his foreign policy purposes, which he branded "freedom fighters," giving 
> terrorists the idea that it was all right to inflict vast damage on civilians 
> in order to achieve their goals). 
> Fahd was a timid man and resisted Reagan's instructions briefly, but finally 
> gave in to enormous US pressure.
> Fahd not only put Saudi government money into the Afghan Mujahideen networks, 
> which trained them in bomb making and guerrilla tactics, but he also 
> instructed the Minister of Intelligence, Turki al-Faisal, to try to raise 
> money from private sources.
> Turki al-Faisal checked around and discovered that a young member of the 
> fabulously wealthy Bin Laden construction dynasty, Usama, was committed to 
> Islamic causes. Turki thus gave Usama the task of raising money from Gulf 
> millionaires for the Afghan struggle. This whole effort was undertaken, 
> remember, on Reagan Administration instructions.
> Bin Laden not only raised millions for the effort, but helped encourage Arab 
> volunteers to go fight for Reagan against the Soviets and the Afghan 
> communists. The Arab volunteers included people like Ayman al-Zawahiri, a 
> young physician who had been jailed for having been involved in the 
> assassination of Egyptian president Anwar El-Sadat. Bin Laden kept a database 
> of these volunteers. In Arabic the word for base is al-Qaeda.
> In the US, the Christian Right adopted the Mujahideen as their favorite 
> project. They even sent around a "biblical checklist" for grading US 
> congressman as to how close they were to the "Christian" political line. If a 
> congressman didn't support the radical Muslim Muj, he or she was downgraded 
> by the evangelicals and fundamentalists.
> Reagan wanted to give more and more sophisticated weapons to the Mujahideen 
> ("freedom fighters"). The Pakistani generals were forming an alliance with 
> the fundamentalist Jamaat-i Islam and begining to support madrasahs or 
> hardline seminaries that would teach Islamic extremism. But even they balked 
> at giving the ragtag Muj really advanced weaponry. Pakistan had a close 
> alliance with China, and took advice from Beijing.
> In 1985 Reagan sent Senator Orrin Hatch, Undersecretary of Defense Fred Iklé 
> and others to Beijing to ask China to put pressure on Pakistan to allow the 
> US to give the Muslim radicals, such as Hikmatyar, more sophisticated 
> weapons. Hatch succeeded in this mission.
> By giving the Muj weaponry like the stinger shoulderheld missile, which could 
> destroy advanced Soviet arms like their helicopter gunships, Reagan 
> demonstrated to the radical Muslims that they could defeat a super power.
> Reagan also decided to build up Saddam Hussein in Iraq as a counterweight to 
> Khomeinist Iran, authorizing US and Western companies to send him precursors 
> for chemical and biological weaponry. At one point Donald Rumsfeld was sent 
> to Iraq to assure Saddam that it was all right if he used chemical weapons 
> against the Iranians. Reagan had no taste in friends.
> On becoming president, George H. W. Bush made a deal with the Soviets that he 
> would cut the Mujahideen off if the Soviets would leave Afghanistan. The last 
> Soviet troops departed in early 1989. The US then turned its back on 
> Afghanistan and allowed it to fall into civil war, as the radical Muslim 
> factions fostered by Washington and Riyadh turned against one another and 
> used their extensive weaponry on each other and on civilians. 
> In the meantime, Saddam, whom the US had built up as a major military power, 
> invaded Kuwait. The Bush senior administration now had to take on its former 
> protege, and put hundreds of thousands of US troops into the Gulf and Saudi 
> Arabia. The radical Muslim extremists with whom Reagan and Bush had allied in 
> Afghanistan now turned on the US, objecting strenuously to a permanent US 
> military presence in the Muslim holy land.
> From 1994 Afghanistan was increasingly dominated by a faction of Mujahideen 
> known as Taliban or seminary students (who were backed by Pakistani military 
> intelligence, which learned the trick from Reagan and which were flush from 
> all those billions the Reagan administration had funneled into the region). 
> In 1996 Bin Laden came back and reestablished himself there, becoming the 
> leader of 5,000 radical Arab volunteers that Reagan had urged Fahd to help 
> come to Afghanistan back in the 1980s.
> In the meantime, the US had steadfastly supported Israeli encroachments on 
> the Palestinian Occupied Territories and the gradual complete annexation of 
> Jerusalem, the third holiest city to Muslims. 
> Since the outbreak of the first intifada, Israeli troops had riposted with 
> brutality. Even after the Oslo accords were signed, the size of Israeli 
> colonies in the Palestinian West Bank and around Jerusalem doubled. 
> A steady drumbeat of violence against Palestinians by Israelis, who were 
> stealing their land and clearly intended to monopolize their sacred space, 
> enraged the Muslim radicals that had been built up and coddled by Reagan.
> In 1998, al-Qaeda and al-Jihad al-Islami, two small terrorist groups 
> established in Afghanistan as a result of the Reagan jihad, declared war on 
> the United States and Israel (the "Zionists and Crusaders"). After attacks by 
> al-Qaeda cells on US embassies in East Africa and on the USS Cole, nineteen 
> of them ultimately used jet planes to attack the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.
> The Bush administration responded to these attacks by the former proteges of 
> Ronald Reagan by putting the old Mujahideen warlords back in charge of 
> Afghanistan' s provinces, allowing Bin Laden and al-Zawahiri to escape, 
> declaring that Americans no longer needed a Bill of Rights, and suddenly 
> invading another old Reagan protege, Saddam's Iraq, which had had nothing to 
> do with 9/11 and posed no threat to the US. The name given this bizarre set 
> of actions by Bush was "the War on Terror." 
> In Iraq, the US committed many atrocities, including bombing campaigns on 
> civilian quarters of cities it had already occupied, and a ferocious assault 
> on Fallujah, and tortured Iraqi prisoners.
> In the meantime, the Bush administration put virtually no money or effort 
> into actually combatting terrorist cells in places like Morocco, as opposed 
> to putting $200 billion into the Iraq war and aftermath. As a result, a 
> string of terrorist attacks were allowed to strike at Madrid, London and 
> elsewhere.
> Fred Ikle, who had been part of the Reaganist/Chinese Communist effort to 
> convince Muslim fundamentalist generals in Pakistan--against their better 
> judgment-- to allow the US to give the radical Muslim extremists even more 
> sophisticated weapons, wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal urging the 
> nuking of Mecca.
> Then in July, 2005, General Richard Myers, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs 
> of Staff, announced that there was not actually any "War on Terror:" ' 
> General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the 
> National Press Club on Monday that he had "objected to the use of the term 
> 'war on terrorism' before, because if you call it a war, then you think of 
> people in uniform as being the solution." ' (Question: Does this mean we can 
> have the Bill of Rights back, now?)
> The American Right, having created the Mujahideen and having mightily 
> contributed to the creation of al-Qaeda, abruptly announced that there was 
> something deeply wrong with Islam, that it kept producing terrorists. 
> = =
> John "Juan" Ricardo I. Cole is an American scholar, 
> public intellectual, and historian of the modern 
> Middle East and South Asia.
> He is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of 
> History at the University of Michigan. As a commentator 
> on Middle Eastern affairs, he has appeared in print and 
> on television, and testified before the United States 
> Senate. 
> He has published several peer-reviewed books on the 
> modern Middle East and is a translator of both Arabic 
> and Persian. Since 2002, he has written a weblog, 
> Informed Comment.
> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Juan_Cole
> = =
> http://www.juancole .com/2005/ 08/fisking- war-on-terror- once-upon- time.html
> So Robert, do you go to Reverend Wrights church? I mean if the CIA is in 
> control of Afghan Opium it must be to keep our *uppidy* negros down, doncha 
> think?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ____________ _________ _________ __
> > From: Robert babajii_99@ ..
> > To: FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com
> > Sent: Sat, October 31, 2009 1:10:39 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'The CIA~Addicted to Death and Drugs!'
> > 
> >   
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@ >
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Yeah, those Afghanis were soooo much better off under Mullah Omar and
> > > the Taliban and so were we...
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Ronald Reagan seemed to think so. Here Saint Ronny hosts the Taliban at
> > > the White House.
> > > 
> > > Reagan chats with the Taliban in the White House in 1983
> > >(snip)
> > Reagan and his boys, used the Taliban, when it was in their interest, to 
> > fight the 'Soviets'...
> > When the Taliban, did away with the Opium Crops, that was not in their 
> > interests, as the CIA, needs to drug money...
> > So, that is the real reason, for this whole thing..
> > Drug money...
> > It's only too obvious...
> > Why else would they be so interested in Afghanistan?
> > To free the people? 
> > No it's all about money....and they will do anything to get their cut...
> > They are MAFIA!
> > R.G.
> >


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