--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > Seems that for close to seven years, nobody in the media
> > has found anything on FFL newsworthy enough to write
> > about (if anybody even had the interest to look).
> > 
> > But you never know. There could be a major expose in the
> > works, right?
> Yeah, riiiiight, a major major expose.

(That was sarcasm, I hope you realize.)

> "Read all about it!  Read all about it!  Group of sincere
> hearts abused by tyrant and cronies."  
> What could be a more common headline?

Reminds me a bit of the TMO fantasy that the CIA had
infiltrated the movement because they were terrified
it was going to take over the world.

I wouldn't be surprised to find that the CIA *did* do
some investigating, but the resultant memo would have
concluded that the movement was way too silly and 
f*cked up to ever be any kind of threat to national
security, so there was no need to waste any more time
on it.

Seems to me this campaign of Doug's is one instance
where Barry's "self-importance" trope actually applies.

Oh, wait--isn't it Barry who's been agitating for
dissident TMers to run to the media with the Big Story
about the petition refusing to participate in group

Never mind...


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