--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" <dhamiltony...@...> wrote:
> > > But you never know. There could be a major expose in the
> > > works, right?
> > 
> > Yeah, riiiiight, a major major expose.  
> > 
> Well, actually it is mighty interesting to see who looks in 
> and comes through FF and FFL.
> Is also amusing to wonder who some people here think they 
> are writing for here as their audience as they push the 
> `send' button.

I agree. It is even more interesting to see the ones
who honestly don't care. They *don't care* whether
what they say on a regular basis reflects poorly
on TM or the TMO, as long as they can "score points"
in their imaginary "battles." 

Can you imagine what a real lurker with real spiritual
aspirations must think of the TM TBs here? This forum 
must have resulted in hundreds of such lurkers vowing 
never to have anything to do with TM, based on their
own assessment of how 30-year meditators "turned out."

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